Financial Modeling
Data Science (MSc)
Financial Economics (MSc)
— 2023,
QSheets I/O is a platform to generate PDF reports for US public equities, summarizing current and historical company fundamentals. As a benchmark, each company measure is accompanied by the point-in-time percentile rank with respect to Nasdaq-100 constituents.
Founder, Developer
— 2021, PDF version, GitHub repository.
Conclusion (excerpt, p. 18):
“In this paper, I propose methods to estimate vanilla and exotic options’ prices and probability of exercise using Monte Carlo simulation in R. The computational efficiency of these methods relies on;
In general, the cumulative average transformation (…) in the Asian option’s pay-off greatly reduces uncertainty as time goes by. This leads to lower variability in the option’s price, delta, and probability of exercise. (…) [The] Asian option’s delta (…) inevitably approaches zero over time, as the underlying’s future prices have continuously less impact on the option’s pay-off.”
— 2021, PDF version, GitHub repository.
Abstract (excerpt, p. 3):
“In this study, I am deriving explicit and implicit investment hypotheses from the Capital Asset Pricing Model (Sharpe, 1964), the Fama and French 5 Factor Model (Fama and French, 1993), and common price multiples. I empirically investigate the credibility of these investment beliefs using data from S&P 500 constituents from January 2010 to December 2020. The significance of each investment hypothesis is assessed by two methods of statistical evaluation.”
Conclusion (excerpt, p. 32):
“(…) This research found credible statistical evidence in support of the “high GrowthSpread® outperforms low GrowthSpread®”-hypothesis. There is no statistical evidence in favor of any of the remaining eight hypotheses under investigation. When it comes to one-directional portfolios, I found evidence in support of the following statements:
Noteworthy, there is some, but insignificant evidence in support of the low Profitability, high Profitability, small Size, and low Beta portfolios.”
— 2021, PDF version, GitHub repository.
In this article, I develop a macroeconomic ‘fair-value’ indicator for the silver spot price.
Conclusion (excerpt, p. 11):
“(…) empirical analysis suggests that the silver spot price is roughly twice as sensitive to changes in USD expected inflation than it is to changes in the 10-year U.S. Treasury rate. When it comes to market-timing, it can be concluded the following:
A Strong Bullish XAG/USD Case:
A Strong Bearish XAG/USD Case:
— 2020, PDF version, GitHub repository.
Conclusion (excerpt, pp. 19-20):
“When it comes to predicting financial volatility,
The self-developed linear weekday effect model improves over the HAR-RV model by Corsi (2009). It performs second best during ‘normal’ and ‘crisis’ times, respectively. The absence of any tuning parameters and the apparent robustness across market conditions makes this model a well-suited candidate for applications in practice.
Noteworthy, in the appendix, it is found that the industry-prevalent GARCH(1,1) model is outperformed by all models considered.”